AFA 2000 Introduction to African-American Studies
An integrated interdisciplinary exploration of selected themes and representative materials in the African-American experience in North America, emphasizing continuity and change. (H) (WR)
Course Instructor Type Gen Ed
10224 Dr.Vincent Adejumo Online (100%) Humanities
Writing: 4,000
10225 Dr.Vincent Adejumo Online (100%) Humanities
Writing: 4,000
27449 Dr. Courtney Taylor Primarily Classroom (Traditional) Humanities
Writing: 4,000
AFA 3110 Key Issues in Black Atlantic Thought
The leading voices of resistance and social change that have influenced African-American intellectual history, black public consciousness, political action and social theory. (H and D) (WR).
Course Instructor Type Gen Ed
10227 Courtney Moore Taylor
Online (100%) Diversity
Writing: 6,000
10228 Dr. Rik Stevenson Primarily Classroom/Traditional Diversity
Writing: 6,000
27450 Dr. Courtney Moore Taylor Primarily Classroom/Traditional Diversity
Writing: 6,000
AFA The Wire 3303
Critically examine various themes presented in the television show, The Wire. Major topics include the illegal drug trade, race and ethnicity, sexuality, public policy and politics, K-12 education, and the news media. Prereq: AFA 2000.
Class Number Instructor Type Gen Ed
27228 Vincent Adejumo Hybrid Diversity, Social Science
Writing 6000
AFA 3333 Black Power Movement
Examination of the interplay of religion, race and rebellion in the organization and execution of the various revolts, insurrections and social movements of black people in the U.S. from the slavery period through the Civil Rights and Black Power Eras.
Class Number Instructor Type Gen EEP
27451 Dr. Rik Stevenson Primarily Classroom/Traditional NO
AFA3356 African American Religion
Explores the African American religious experience from the beginning of the African sojourn here in North America until the present.
Course Instructor Type Gen Ed
27452 Dr. Rik Stevenson Primarily Classroom/Traditional Diversity, Humanities
Writing 6000
AFA 3930 Special Topics
Selected topics in African-American studies.
Course Course Title Instructor Type GenED
Benjamin Hebblethwaite Primarily Classroom/Traditional No
19518 American Constitutional Law Samuel Stafford Primarily Classroom/Traditional No
19520 American Civil Liberties Samuel Stafford Primarily Classroom/Traditional No
23887 Haitian Culture and Society
Benjamin Hebblethwaite Primarily Classroom/Traditional No
AFA 4905 individual Study
Directed individual reading or research on topics in African-American studies.
Course Instructor Type Gen Ed
Dept. Control Manoucheka Celeste Primarily Classroom/Traditional
AFA 4936 Senior Seminar
Examination of bibliographic resources and analysis of theory, method and special problems in the field of African-American studies
Class number Instructor Type Gen Ed
23720 Manoucheka Celeste Primarily Classroom/Traditional Social Science
Writing 6000