Current Courses
- AFA 2000 Introduction to African American Studies
- AFA 4135 Theories of Black America: Black Horror/White Terror
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Dr. Julia Mollenthiel earned her B.A. in English Literature and Political Science from Howard University. She earned her PhD in English Literature from the University of Miami where she concentrated on African American literature, Black Studies, diaspora studies, film and media studies, Black feminist criticism, and Black masculinity studies. Dr. Mollenthiel also taught at the University of Miami for 4 years during her doctoral program. Following her assistantship and doctoral program, Dr. Mollenthiel was awarded an ACLS Leading Edge Fellowship where she worked on policy campaigns related to societal issues that are critical to NYC’s youth of color such as the school-to-prison pipeline and growing food insecurity. Currently, Dr. Mollenthiel is an assistant professor in the African American Studies Program at the University of Florida where she teaches interdisciplinary courses on Black Horror, Black Feminist Theory, Black Women Transatlantic, Afro-Futurism, as well as the African American Literature Survey and African American Literature Pre-1865.